Enhance Your Performance with Cutting-Edge Cognitive Training.
Practice chaotic, game-like scenario plays with drills such as Reactive T-Test, signal-based shuttles and Y Tests, and customized If-Then tasks.
Enhance linear sprints and acceleration time by measuring runs, from flying 10s to 40-yard dashes, while tracking speed and velocity for each split.
Improve agility and reduce injury risk by training and testing CODS drills, ranging from the 5-10-5 Pro Shuttle to the Yo-Yo Intermittent test.
Step up visual perception, scanning, decision-making, and hand-eye coordination through brain games involving math, memory, and other cognitive challenges.
Place two pods in front of each other to create a speed and agility laser beam
Catch letters, numbers, signs, and colors with versatile intelligence pods.
Combine gates and lights to track reaction, speed, and velocity in the same drill